1. General Information:
1.1. Access site: Ribnita
1.2. Project title: The Struggle for the Environment
2.1. Project Duration (weeks/ months):
Start date: 19.10.15 End date: 06.12.15
2.2. General project description: We want to make a flash mob about the importance of saving the environment. After that to clean the bank of our river.
2.3.Project justification: Environmental problem is one of global problems of modernity. In our city it is particularly relevant. Our city is on a river so we decided to work on cleaning the shores.
2.4. Project main goal(s):
1. To clean the bank
2. To explain with the help of a flash mob that cleanliness is important.
2.5.Project objectives: (the actions the goal(s) will be achieved through)
1. To show an example to the rest of the people
2. To make more beautiful our riverside
3. To solve one of many environmental problems
4. To make bank of the Dniestr cleaner
5. To make people understand that they are to value and protect our public places
2.6. Project key personnel:
1. Our group will work on cleaning the shores
2. We will make flash mob showing that you need to protect nature
3. We will bring people together and serve t-shirts gloves and trash bags
4. Remove garbage along the river bank
5. Download it in a trash car
2.7. Project Partners: 2 schools from Ribnita and Rezina
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To visualize the project proposal, click on the document from below: